Sunday, December 6, 2009

"Gives You Hell"

There is nothing worse than having to let a guy go when you've decided that it's just not going anywhere. I hate it. I honestly wish that I was let down instead. I hate the awkward conversation of letting them know that you just are not into it, especially when you know they very much are. I panic that their ego will be bruised and then be mad at me. What usually happens is I end up liking that person as friend and hope that we can be friends instead. Just what every guy loves to hear. "Can we just be friends". It's like a punch to their delicate manhood.
Now with this being said, no matter how painful it is for both parties, it still has to be done. Honestly I really try to be so nice about it. If you're genuinely a nice guy then I want you to know that it was nothing you did wrong, it just wasn't working for me. This is when I hope that he 1. doesn't have some freaky breakdown, especially after a few dates. 2. Doesn't get mad. 3. Is ok with just being friends. 4. Understands the words coming out of my mouth(you'd be surprised how often " I'm not interested" still confuses men).
Here's how my night went. I spent the day with Guy A. We made plans to watch football at his place with a few of his friends. I knew at the end of the day that I was going to have to explain that even though I have fun hanging out with him, I just didn't have any romantic feelings towards him. He was just "one of the guys" to me. The day went fine, had a great time hanging out, he was normal....awesome. Then, the ride home. He lives in NH so my ride home is about 45 minutes. About 2 minutes into the ride he says "So can I ask you a question?" Ok here we go. Obviously the question is if I am interested in him. I explain that although I have a great time hanging out, that's all it is to me. I tell him he's a great guy blah blah blah and I hope that he'll want to still be friends. He responds with that even though he's disappointed, he would still like to be friends. WOW! I'm actually happy, this generally doesn't seem to work!
It didn't work. About five minutes into my ride he explains that he thinks that people don't have romantic feelings at first and that people grow into it. Yeah no. The thought of kissing you makes me cringe. I know myself enough to know that if I don't feel excited after the first date, that it's just not going to work.
I again have to explain that for me, that's not how I work. After letting him down twice he says he understands and thanks me for being honest. Ok great, we're back to the same page. Wait, totally different book. "So can I hold your hand?" Did you just hear anything that came out of my mouth? No, you can NOT hold my hand! "Yeah, you're right". then he asks if I would want to hang out at the house again and watch the pats with his friends. Sure we hang out as FRIENDS at your place, that would be fun. He agrees, we talk about random things. It's going well.....
"Can I kiss you goodnight?" Oh sure you can if you want a slap across your mouth. At this point I just get out of the car, tell him thanks, and stomp up to my door. That right there made me feel less bad about letting guys down. I don't understand. When someone tells you that they just see you as a friend, why do you try to persuade them to like you. You can't coax someone into having feelings for you! I felt like I was talking to a least with a salesman, losing means coming home with an oversized t.v. So much easier to manage. Bonus: The T.V. as a power button.
That's it....I'm going T.V. shopping.

Monday, November 30, 2009

"With A Little Help From My Friends"

So I'm sitting here thinking about dating as a whole. I read a lot of profiles on these sites which is where you're supposed to be able to get a quick synopsis of this particular person and who they are. Some barely write a thing while others write their entire story from their first kiss to their last ex running off with their dog(or cat if you're that kind of guy). Very few actually catch my attention and make me want to find out more. What I have come across in a majority of these profiles both short and over done is that they all mention they don't want to play games or be played on. Makes sense right? The whole idea of being played by the other sex sounds horrible, a waste of time, and down right childish. I'm sure as you read this you're shaking your head in agreement. Well, you're wrong. Here's why.

Say for instance you happen to be talking to 2 or 3 guys at the same time(naughty! who does that!? Oh me....). Guy A. is outgoing, funny, interested in meeting you, and appears to be a "normal" fella. Nice! Guy B. Hmmmm he seems to be very outgoing, very funny, also interested in meeting you, and appears to have a slight bad boy trait...Ummm, no comment. Guy C is a little quiet, maybe a little reserved, and well just basically has the looks and thats it. Ok, so not to get yourself in trouble and mix up men you get rid of C. Let's be honest, he may be goodlooking but if you bore me then your looks can only get you so far. Don't argue this, I would know.

Ok so here we are. Guy A and Guy B. Perfect. Now you just have to get to know them a little. Date with Guy Date is for the most part relaxed and easy going which is always a plus. He does seem a little eager. Personally I'm not a big PDA girl so holding your hand on the first date seems middle schoolish to me. Also really awkward in a sports bar while watching football. I kind of need my hand for two things: Lifting the beer and fist pumps.

Guy B, really fun and totally easy going. I feel as though I can actually be myself, inappropriate comments and all. This could potentially lean towards a new friend when dates are this easy going except I find myself attracted to him. No hand holding and no awkward moments of silence that leave you sitting there trying to think of something witty to say. All and all....a good date.

Now after your first date there's the big question. Will there be a second date? For both, I decide yes. Guy A texts me the next morning(8:30 to be exact) with "I hope you have a nice day". That's nice. Guy B, nothing yet. Guy A texts me to have a nice rest of the day. Ok....Thanks. You too. Still nothing from Guy B. By the end of the day I've receieved two more texts from Guy A. One telling me to have a good workout(really?) and the second, "Can I call u".

Calling me is fine. I'm not a big talker but I still can hold at least a 5 minute convo. Calling me when we've spoken throughout the day puzzles me. What's left to talk about. At this point I'm starting to think I'm behaving ridiculously and I need to stop. I try.

Guy B texts me before bed and I'm elated. Awesome. Here we go...

Throughout the week I have receieved my morning, afternoon, dinner, after dinner, dessert texts, wishing me all the best. This, obviously being from Guy A. So here I have an actual decent guy, likes to talk to me, clearly wants me to have a REALLY good day and is excited enough to see me again(he's told me this everyday since the first date). What more could a girl ask for??? Oh......just a little friggin space please! Guy B has called once, we had a hysterical coversation, texted here and there funny one liners from a comedian we both like, and has mentioned that would should get together again soon. Notice "should".

Two weeks go by. My phone is blowing up from Guy A and Guy B disappeared for a few days. Disappointment sets in. At this point I've also decided that Guy A is just too much for me. He needs a girl that loves PDA, is looking to settle down yesterday, and likes to snuggle. No Thanks. Oh did I mention he cooks dinner and also bought me an over the top gift on the first date. Want to slap me across the face for being absolutely ridiculous? Get in line.

What do I want?? Well cleary I want the guy that makes me wonder where he is. I want the guy that is going to be around for dessert after Guy A makes me dinner. I want the guy takes his time calling me to make plans for a second date. I want the guy that is clearly playing hard to get. The guy that's playing games.


So here's my question. I want answers people. From both sexes. Do I play the game and be coy and slightly unattainable or can women handle the chase better than men? Do I not play at all(that's boring)? Do I answer his texts or phone calls, or do I make him wait a little? Tell me. Answer me. Give me your best advice. I'm all freaking ears.

Monday, November 23, 2009

"Move Along"

Ok so I took a break from the online dating scene for a bit. Not b/c I found my "soul mate", "prince charming", "the one". No, nothing like that. I took a break b/c if you have read this blog, you'd take a break too! But, I got my needed rest and I'm up and running again. I'm going to entertain you all with some emails I get each day. These are some examples of the ones that will never get a response.

Let me make this clear. I make a profile for a reason. If you message me, I expect that you read my profile. Not skim it and pick out important words....b/c that could just make you sound like fool. For instance, I make it very clear that I hate musicals. I go as far as to say "Musicals are the worst kind of torture". Wow If I was a guy, I'd definitely stay clear of that topic right? So, when sending me your opening email, first impressions are obviously important. "So what's your favorite musical? I'd have to say that the King and I is mine" My first thought....hahahaha we have a jokester on our hands! Second thought...OMG he's serious. Here are 2 big reasons why this poor guy won't get a response. 1. You obviously did NOT read my profile. 2. When I was 15 I went to see the Kind and I. On the way home a car full of cross dressers wearing one piece body suits and stilettos crashed into our car. No. Lie. I hate the King and I the most. Nexxxxxt.

Another way to completely send me running in the other direction would be to have your dog "write" your email to me. Yes, that's right. I received an email that was from his dog. Rudy. That's the dogs name. I have no clue what the owners name is and I don't care to find out. When the email ends with woof-woof, I click delete.

"Look no further, I am your Mr. Right!" Shush! No you most certainly are not! I decide that. You are 47, divorced with three children and used up your entire email to tell me a joke that lost me halfway through. You are so very much NOT my Mr. Right! Move. Along.

Manners are also important when sending me an email. Using the sentence " You seem like you somewhat have it together" is wrong on so many levels. It's rude and I have no idea what you just based that on. Somewhat? I somewhat, have it together? I just explained my obsession with coconut and mascara and my hatred towards musicals and you figure I "somewhat" have it together? Beat it nerd!

This last one I will share with you takes the cake. His internet name SoreBum. Subject title of email: Milk and Poetry.
"Stopping by the woods on a snowy evening...
I saw your face and couldn't resist sayin HI. I wish I could say I am looking b/c I'd be looking directly at you. I am in a very happy and healthy relationship. As a matter of fact my woman and I have been together for over twenty years.
I want you to know there is light. I was almost 40 years old and she 37 yrs. when we met. Keep lookin'! There exist some wonderful guys out there and from what I hear on the inside, they are looking for you.
You're cute and it looks like you've got it together. GOOD LUCK!"

Ok what I want to know...Why is your bum so sore???

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Au Revoir"

Well, It seems as though I'm still on the mind of Youngin'. Last night out of nowhere he IM's me.  In case you forgot, this is the younger, shorter, "guy" that is moving for the summer. What I left out last time, is he's moving to the very same state of someone that I briefly had a long distance fling with. Oh yes, not only is he moving to the same state, but the very same town.  Awesome. They also share the same first name. I believe there is a website dedicated to these types of situations. I think. Who wants to take bets on them becoming the best of friends?!  We know they at the very least have one thing in common. 

Anyways....Youngin' apparently wants to get together before he leaves for the summer. He leaves in two weeks. Apparently he thinks it's a shame that it didn't work out last time we tried to meet. Yes, that was quite a shame. In no way did I dodge a bullet with that. Oh wait....yes, I think I may have. seems as though my next two weeks are pretty full. What. A. Shame.  


Monday, May 11, 2009

"Let It Rock"

So there is flirting and then there's......well just no need. Take that however you like.
I have two guys I'm talking to. One is currently in the line up for a date. I will give you the low down on them in a moment. First, I must update you on the most recent ridiculous adventure I have decided to take which will make this blog even more readable! I signed up for a website called Yes. I. Really. Did. So here's the deal with that. It is run by OkCupid. You fill out info for where you want your date to meet, the preferred calender date, and time. Then you fill out what you are looking for in your "potential" and give a little about yourself as well. You can do this solo or as a double date with someone you know or don't know. I am going to be doing this as a double date with someone I know. You know who you are and thanks! You then give your cell # which they will NOT give to the other person but use it to let you know where you will be meeting your date. The date will receive the same text. Best part of this. You receive the text about an hour before you have to be there! See, this is where it becomes a little ridiculous. I think I just signed up for another dating reality show and the camera's are going to pop out when it's over.....just you see.
Ok back to the boys of now. So we have LV. I briefly mentioned him in the last blog. LV has a tendency of trying to come off as sexy. Instead, it has become mostly awkward and a little creepy. I actually don't think he is, I just don't think he knows how to play. When getting to know someone it's ok to flirt and be a little coy. I mean you do want to appear attractive! However, you don't want to over do it. You can come off trashy and it also leaves nothing to the imagination Ladies, If men are good at anything its how well they know how to use their imagination. Please, let the men work a little.
This rule also applies to men when flirting with women. Example. "I want to give you a bath." This is no good.
1. I hope the woman you are talking to knows how to bathe herself.
2. You don't know her, she does not want you all up in her relaxing bath time!
3. FYI generally when you do first meet a woman, you shoot for coffee or a drink! Not bath time! 
So....Hey, LV. Read this. Take some notes. Maybe next time when "flirting" with a woman, you will know what's ok and what's not. You unfortunately have been me.

Next....We shall call this one After Hours. Yes, definitely After Hours. After Hours is a stock broker by day and "Guy in a Band" by night. Oh and has a beautiful tattoo sleeve. Oh heavens. Oh dear.  

I have been talking to AH for a few days now and so far...pretty good. A little bit of dork. I like that. A lot bit of a tattood band guy. I love that. Has a successful job that he actually likes. I very much appreciate that. Oh and he likes to go out and also likes to socially drink. Those two qualities were missing from the last super exciting date I had....
There are a few...well traits that I don't love but I still need to get to know him before I squash this. He has a cat, I have a dog. Why this bugs me I'm not sure. But, it's part bobcat...and well that's kind of interesting. Next, he admits he likes to snuggle. I wish that this was the first guy to admit this. Unfortunately this is not the case.
Here's the thing with snuggling, at least for me. I'm not huge into it first of all. I also didn't think I would come across a lot of men that were. I can handle it, when we have been together for awhile. I don't snuggle or cuddle with people I don't know. Hell, I don't really snuggle with people I do know.  Although I am unsure why he did feel like sharing this information with me,  I can't hold such a ridiculous thing against him.  Unfortunately for him, I will not be snuggling on the first date, or second.  If there is a snuggle attempt put on me. END.OF.DATE.
I will be going out with After Hours to the Science Museum sometime this week and will hopefully have my first double blind date this Friday. Wish, me luck!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

"Crack A Bottle" I received the best Cupid email so far(insert sarcasm here).  They sent me a birthday email with a picture of a delicious cake and all!  It was their way of reminding me that I am not getting any younger and that I am still single and "looking for love"....Joke is on you Cupid. I'm turning 25 again. HA!

Well I had my rescheduled date with Tall.  Yeah, it was that good.  Where do I begin.....

First of all, when you make plans for dinner, BE ON TIME. Especially when the night before you canceled on me with very short notice. I think we all remember how that evening went. I have to take a train and a bus and manage to get there early. Just saying....

So eventually Tall shows up. Let me tell you this, this man is TALL.  My heels had nothing on him!  Unfortuantely I don't have any crazy date story with this one, other than it was just ok.  I started off by ordering myself a glass of wine. He ordered a Sprite.  That's fine...until I find out he does not drink. At all.  Again, totally fine. Until you start preaching to me that you don't need to drink to relax or to have a good time.  Oh, well why the hell have I been drinking then?  Could someone please inform me why you do drink??? I must have missed the memo.  At this point I have now flagged down the waitress. "Another glass of wine please".  It's going to be one of those nights....

So here's the lowdown on Tall.  He does not drink ever.  He golfs when not working and reads about golf when not golfing.  He thinks that if you move out of the suburbs to the city it is because you need to be constantly entertained. That's correct Tall, and we entertain ourselves by drinking.  His ex-girlfriends dogs name is Warren. He likes to snuggle at the end of the bed under the covers in between Tall and Tall's Girlfriend. I mean ex! Sorry I was little confused with their current status.  I also have about a half an hours worth of more information on the dog if you feel you need it. He's never been to a concert...b/c he just doesn't like music all that much. THIS was by far the most disturbing thing I heard all night. I don't understand. How do you not like music!?!? And lastly, he mentioned that all of his friends are married with children. He mentioned this 5 times.  "Waitress, another glass please. Oh and the bill would be great!"

So that my friends was my date. The date that was rescheduled. The first and only date with Tall.

Next up: LV.  LV is a 28 year old who edits films. Oh and he works at Louis Vuitton part time. So LV.....what kind of discount do you get.....

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"Keeps Gettin' Better"

It's 9 O'Clock.  And.....I'm home.  Yes, tonight was date night with Tall.  Let me fill in you on what you missed....

5 P.M.  I leave work all ready for my date, nice and early so I don't have to go home. It also gives me some time to run to downtown crossing to find myself a slip b/c apparently my cute yellow sundress that I've worn twice before, is see through...good to know.  I figure that isn't the look I want to show on my first date. I have to leave something to the imagination... Turns out after searching 3 different stores, nobody makes slips anymore. Great. I instead purchase a long white tank. Leave me alone, it's the best I could do. 

I reach Harvard Sq to catch my bus. Text goes off. He's stuck in his meeting and won't be able to make it. Wants to reschedule for tomorrow. I stand there, a little annoyed, a little disappointed, and all dressed up now with no where to go. I decide not to get down. I head to Davis Sq. so I can grab a beer and watch some of the game. Much less fun when by yourself, in case you were wondering.

I leave for my twenty minute walk home in my pale see through yellow dress and heels just in time for the sky to open up on me. Life. Is. Good.  I walk through  the pouring rain laughing hysterically at how my night as turned out. I finally reach home so that a gust of wind can carry my dress over my head while trying to get the key in the door.  It's really no wonder why my neighbors love me....

I come in, change and look out the window to a completely peaceful night, not a drop in sight. Of course the rain stopped.

Date with Tall...Take 2

Stay tuned.....

Monday, April 27, 2009

"Falling or Flying"

Bad Boy " Did it hurt?" Me. Very confused. "Did what hurt?" Set myself up for this one....Bad Boy "When you fell from Heaven." I couldn't make this up. I just about lost my morning coffee on the train today reading that. Looks like Bad Boy has a little bit of a goofy side....

A "normal" guy could not get away with a line like that....A tattooed bad boy who pulled an illegal U-turn to get my number, can. But don't worry, I'd made sure to insert a witty comment back. I explained that it is a common misunderstanding. You don't actually fall from Heaven, you float down on a cloud. Comfortable, safe, and in no way a painful landing.

I'd like to update that after texting me for a week and making no move whatsoever I faded him out. He also called me "hun" one too many times. I'm not your hun and you're not a 60 year old diner waitress....stop talking like one.

"And So It Goes"

Ok so I thought I would do a quick update with all that happened over the weekend. My version of quick is somewhat different from others. First of all, I was apparently alone in thinking that Saturday's date was horrifically boring. Great. I received an IM from him Sunday evening(just as the sox game started mind you). He wanted to share a poem with me....A poem?? Really? I'm now thrown off and not sure how to approach this. I STUPIDLY agree to read this poem. Well hello extremely explicit poem!! What the hell! My response was a very awkward "oh". Gets better. He wrote it. It was then that was "very tired and calling it an early night". Clearly I am going to have to deal with this later....ugh.

On a much happier/less awkward note, I also spoke to Tall. He called me ten minutes before the game. Very. Considerate. Man. Although this does not surprise me for some reason, he was very personable and friendly on the phone. Very easy conversation makes for meeting a stranger so much more comforting! Date is set for Tuesday at 6! I have a feeling this date is going to be very enjoyable....and hopefully there will not be a poem to follow!

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Friday night I decided to stay in and watch the Sox/Yankees game. In case you missed it. We won. F**K You New York. I ordered some pizza, grabbed a beer, my laptop, and sat down with some Cupid and baseball. I started chatting with a lad. We got into the baseball talk. FYI if you're not into baseball I really have no use for you. It's my thing. You might as well be gay. We exchanged the silly questions. He was much better at it than I. Clearly a very smart driven guy. A little overboard with the working out. I'm not really into your gym routine. No offense. As the night goes on he asks if I want to meet up the next night. I had plans for my favorite bar with my girlfriend but if he would like to join then by all means. I don't always advise bringing a date to your favorite hotspot but I was unsure of him and new I would feel comfortable there. So he agrees to meet up with us. Great!

Saturday.....oh boy.

Well knowing I will be meeting up with him, I obviously glam it up more than usual. : ) But being a girl, I still question if I look ok...normal girl worries. That question was answered on my walk to the train. Now if you know me AT ALL, there is one type of guy I have a hard time saying no to. A bad boy. You can see them a mile away. Tattoos. Confidence oozes from every pore. HOT. The type of guy you can never bring home. THAT is the type of guy that always gets me. Frustrates the hell out me. Has me begging for more...Again I digress though. Ok so on my way to the train in my rather high heels, a guy(insert all bad boy qualities here) pulls over. Here is how the conversation goes. Bad Boy "Excuse me" Me " Yes?" Bad Boy "I'm sorry to bother you but do you need a ride somewhere, you're making me hurt watching you have to walk in such high heels" Me "Oh, no thank you" Bad Boy" Are you sure? I promise I am not a bad guy" His friend in passenger seat shakes head to confirm. Me" Thank you but I really can't just get into a car with you. I don't know you. I learned that rule when I was 5". Bad Boy" I completely understand and respect that. I hope I didn't scare you pulling over. I just wish I could drive you to wherever you are going" Me " Well, I'm actually going to meet up for a date so that would probably be a bad way to start it off with a total stranger dropping me off. It was very nice of you though. Thank you." Bad Boy" Well I think you look absolutely beautiful and I can only hope this date doesn't go well so that when I give you my number you can call me and I can have a chance" Me. Flustered. Flattered. COMPLETELY THROWN OFF. Nervous laughter...."You're giving me your number? Here? On the street?" Bad Boy" Well you won't let me drive you b/c you are clearly a safe woman, and I'm sure I will never see you again so I really have no choice but to give you my number, here. Now. " Me. Still flustered. "Ok". Gulp. "Well what is your name?" Bad Boy " I'm ****, what's your name?" Me. "Tara". Bad Boy "Tara? You are killing me. That's a beautiful name". Oh Brother.
Needless to say. Date Sucked. Boring. Lame. I ended up flirting with my bartender and then faked a leave and came back 5 minutes later. After coming back I received another number from a guy who was watching this train wreck of a date and thought adding his number into the disaster was a good idea. I then texted Bad Boy and thanked him for the offer and compliments. All in all, I would say 1. My outfit worked out just fine. 2. You never know how your evening is going to turn out(I went home and had chunky monkey ice cream with my roomie and we shared stories of our horrific dates). 3. I still love bad boys no matter how hard I try.


I have accumulated quite the emails and "winks" on Match so I decided to buy a month of it. Mostly b/c the curiosity of having men email me and not being able to open and read them got the best of me! After reading about 15 emails and checking 30 something winks....I found three guys.  These are men that are attractive, have things in common with me, are of age, and don't look like they were just released from prison.  I decide I'm going to "wink" back. Im curious what happens when you wink back also.  Much to my disappoint, nothing. No firework show. No balloons fall from the ceiling. just gets really excited and expresses with many exclamations that I indeed winked back. what?? This winking game can only hold my attention so long! I decide to be the ballsy one and email. I choose the 6'7 guy.  Yeah that's right. I picked a guy b/c I can put on my highest heels and not even come close to hovering over him. 
  Well well well, he emails right back. Very nice.  Now glancing over his profile we have a few things in common. I also like his height. He's older buy a few years(mature...we can only hope) He has a job(bonus). He knows how to dress himself(double bonus). Appears a little conservative....BUT I'll give it a shot!  We decide to talk on Google chat. Great conversation. Very mature. He asks if I would like to go out to dinner. WOW! What, you don't want to "watch a movie" and "talk"???  I will be calling him this evening to set up a date and time for our dinner. I will keep you updated on my date with....let's call him Tall. Simple like Big. But my version instead. 

"Shorty wanna be a Thug"

Well hello there youngin' .  First guy I start actually talking 4 years younger. You may think this is no big deal. Trust me, it most certainly is.  It can start off great! They're young(very hot), they want you(even more hot), make you feel younger(awesome), always starts off great....Then you remember they're still in college.  This means they're on college time. Translation: They stay awake from 10 p.m. to 6 in the morning. No good when you're a working professional who wakes at 6!  I digress....

I decided against my better judgement to give Youngin' a shot. I'd also like to mention, he's 5'6. I'm 5'8 and obsessed with high heels (insert frustration here). Starts off well.  Likes to compliment. Good looking.  Moving this summer....Jackpot!   I eventually exchange numbers so we can plan to meet.  He wants to meet now. Not going to happen.  Then he suggest we meet that coming weekend and just stay in and watch a movie and "talk". Riiiiiight.  Buddy, I've been doing this longer than you remember. I know what you really want.  I suggest he come out and meet me at a bar in town. Instead he texts me all evening. He's coming. He's not coming. He's waiting for his friends.  At this point I'm losing interest.  I wonder if he can talk his way out of this.....Gradually I begin to notice his texting becomes....very ghettoized. Yeah that's right. If he was talking out loud it would be VERY ghetto. He also mentions how he's going to kiss me and that he hopes I'm wearing heels b/c he thinks that tall women are hot. He's right. We are. And tall women like to be next to tall men.  Finally after being up and down all evening he asks to come over....   

Yes, it is possible that he can talk himself right out of this.

Lesson Learned: I will not date 1 year or more under me. Not even if you're in a band. No. Also I now have a height requirement. I will not bend over to kiss you. 

Sunday, April 5, 2009

"Come As You Are"

Ok, here goes nothing!  I have signed up for a few different dating sites and I will be posting my "adventures" with each one! Some will be actual posts on the up and downs of dates I have just been on. Others will be posts about which sites work for what. And, some will be hysterical stories of the "interesting" men I will not be going on dates with(at no point will names be used)!  
     Tonight I have signed up for OkCupid. This is a totally free sight no catches. I can already tell this is going to be quite the ride.  My advice: when going through your settings be sure to be specific on the instant message settings. I instantly received a lot of IM's and it was slightly annoying. You can specify who IM's you, as far as percentage with matches and the age you are interested in.  I highly recommend this.  Ok, and I'm off! Wish me luck!