Sunday, December 6, 2009

"Gives You Hell"

There is nothing worse than having to let a guy go when you've decided that it's just not going anywhere. I hate it. I honestly wish that I was let down instead. I hate the awkward conversation of letting them know that you just are not into it, especially when you know they very much are. I panic that their ego will be bruised and then be mad at me. What usually happens is I end up liking that person as friend and hope that we can be friends instead. Just what every guy loves to hear. "Can we just be friends". It's like a punch to their delicate manhood.
Now with this being said, no matter how painful it is for both parties, it still has to be done. Honestly I really try to be so nice about it. If you're genuinely a nice guy then I want you to know that it was nothing you did wrong, it just wasn't working for me. This is when I hope that he 1. doesn't have some freaky breakdown, especially after a few dates. 2. Doesn't get mad. 3. Is ok with just being friends. 4. Understands the words coming out of my mouth(you'd be surprised how often " I'm not interested" still confuses men).
Here's how my night went. I spent the day with Guy A. We made plans to watch football at his place with a few of his friends. I knew at the end of the day that I was going to have to explain that even though I have fun hanging out with him, I just didn't have any romantic feelings towards him. He was just "one of the guys" to me. The day went fine, had a great time hanging out, he was normal....awesome. Then, the ride home. He lives in NH so my ride home is about 45 minutes. About 2 minutes into the ride he says "So can I ask you a question?" Ok here we go. Obviously the question is if I am interested in him. I explain that although I have a great time hanging out, that's all it is to me. I tell him he's a great guy blah blah blah and I hope that he'll want to still be friends. He responds with that even though he's disappointed, he would still like to be friends. WOW! I'm actually happy, this generally doesn't seem to work!
It didn't work. About five minutes into my ride he explains that he thinks that people don't have romantic feelings at first and that people grow into it. Yeah no. The thought of kissing you makes me cringe. I know myself enough to know that if I don't feel excited after the first date, that it's just not going to work.
I again have to explain that for me, that's not how I work. After letting him down twice he says he understands and thanks me for being honest. Ok great, we're back to the same page. Wait, totally different book. "So can I hold your hand?" Did you just hear anything that came out of my mouth? No, you can NOT hold my hand! "Yeah, you're right". then he asks if I would want to hang out at the house again and watch the pats with his friends. Sure we hang out as FRIENDS at your place, that would be fun. He agrees, we talk about random things. It's going well.....
"Can I kiss you goodnight?" Oh sure you can if you want a slap across your mouth. At this point I just get out of the car, tell him thanks, and stomp up to my door. That right there made me feel less bad about letting guys down. I don't understand. When someone tells you that they just see you as a friend, why do you try to persuade them to like you. You can't coax someone into having feelings for you! I felt like I was talking to a least with a salesman, losing means coming home with an oversized t.v. So much easier to manage. Bonus: The T.V. as a power button.
That's it....I'm going T.V. shopping.

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